Microfiber Vs. Cotton Sheets: Which Is Right For You?

22 Aug.,2023


Microfiber Vs. Cotton Sheets: Which Is Right For You?

Humans have been using bed coverings for as long as we've had beds to sleep on. Our earliest ancestors used straw mats and animal furs as bedding, but it wouldn't be until the ancient Greeks and Romans came along that sheets became popular. They were made using wool and linen; the latter was described as a durable fabric that could be found everywhere in Egypt. Even up to the early 19th century, people were using linen to make their sheets, towels, and pillowcases, per Encyclopedia.com. Things changed with the invention of the cotton gin, which made it possible to remove seeds from cotton fiber, turning them into fabric. This increased the availability of cotton at lower prices.

Today we're spoilt for choice when it comes to fabric options for our bedding because sheets come in a wide range of materials, from brocade and silk to cotton and bamboo. But the factors that determine the sheets that are right for us remain the same: How the sheets feel against your skin, if they keep you comfortable when you are sleeping — whether that's hot or cold, how long they last, and if you can find a decorative range that suits your bedroom's interiors. For many people, the choice comes down to microfiber or cotton.

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