Shaft | excavation

16 Aug.,2023


  • In mining: Vertical openings: shafts and raises

    The principal means of access to an underground ore body is a vertical opening called a shaft. The shaft is excavated, or sunk, from the surface downward to a depth somewhat below the deepest planned mining horizon. At regular intervals along the…

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  • In coal mining: Shafts

    …from surface to underground, or shaft, mining. Early shaft mines were little more than wells widened as much as miners dared in the face of danger of collapse. Shafts were sunk on high ground, with adits—near-horizontal tunnels—for drainage driven into the side of the hill. In England some shallow mine…

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  • In coal mining: Access

    …of portal: drift, slope, and shaft. Where a coal seam outcrops to the surface, it is common to drive horizontal entries, called drifts, into the coal seam from the outcrop. Where the coal seam does not outcrop but is not far below the surface, it is accessed by driving sloping…

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