What size of electric boiler do I need?

18 Apr.,2024


Goto QinLi to know more.

I've got about 1100 Sq ft home to  heat and I'm considering a 15KW electric boiler unit.

Right now I have an old oil fired boiler system (hot water hydronic system) in place but boiler leaks and I need to replace it. I'd like to get rid of oil and all that so I'm wondering if a 15KW electric boiler will do the job. I realize I'll have to also put in a new hot water heating tank for my domestic water as I believe the electric boilers out there don't include domestic hot water heating for some reason.

What size electric boiler do I need?

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If you have been scouring the market for a new boiler, you might know the process can be pretty challenging. So, selecting an electric boiler is not as simple as reciting a nursery rhyme. You need to strike the right balance or the ‘Goldilocks formula’ for a boiler that’s just the right size. A boiler that is too big will send your electric bills rising through the roof. In contrast, one that is too small will not heat your home sufficiently. If you want to avoid burning a hole in your wallet or feeling an uncomfortable draft of chilly wind even with the boiler on, then read this comprehensive guide on what size electric boiler do I need? Alternatively, why not refer to our boiler installation service page to learn more about the services we provide.

Contrary to common misconception, the size of a boiler does not refer to its physical dimensions. It relates to its energy output or kilowatt (kW) rating, like a gas boiler. If the kW rating is higher, the device can supply energy to more radiators, taps, and other heating systems. Unlike gas boilers, whose highest energy rating is around 35 kW, electric boilers only have a maximum rating of 15 kW. Hence, these are only suitable for small homes or apartments, not commercial spaces or large residences. At the same time, why not check out our Boiler Installation service on our homepage and learn more about what we offer.

What size of electric boiler do I need?

What size electric boiler do I need? - Video

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