What Is a Cryogenic Storage Tank?

15 Mar.,2024

A cryogenic storage tank is a specialized type of storage vessel designed to safely store and transport materials at extremely low temperatures, typically below -150 degrees Celsius (-238 degrees Fahrenheit).


A cryogenic storage tank is a specialized type of storage vessel designed to safely store and transport materials at extremely low temperatures, typically below -150 degrees Celsius (-238 degrees Fahrenheit). These tanks are essential in industries that require the handling and storage of liquefied gases such as liquid nitrogen, liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen, and other cryogenic fluids.


The primary Click here is to provide a reliable and efficient means of storing large quantities of cryogenic liquids in a compact and well-insulated container. The low temperatures at which these tanks operate are necessary to maintain these substances in their liquid state, as many gases become liquids at extremely low temperatures under normal atmospheric pressure conditions.


Cryogenic storage tanks come in various shapes and sizes, but they all share common features to ensure the safe containment of cryogenic fluids. Let's explore some key aspects of cryogenic storage tanks:

Cryogenic Storage Tank for Cryogenic Liquid Oxygen

Cryogenic Storage Tank for Cryogenic Liquid Oxygen


Materials and Construction:

Cryogenic storage tanks are typically constructed from materials that can withstand the extreme temperatures and pressures associated with cryogenic liquids. Common materials include stainless steel, aluminum, and specialized alloys with excellent thermal properties. The tanks are designed with double-walled insulation to minimize heat transfer and prevent the contents from warming up.



Insulation is a critical component of cryogenic storage tanks to minimize heat ingress and maintain low temperatures. Various insulation materials such as perlite, foam glass, or vacuum-insulated panels are used to create a thermal barrier between the cryogenic liquid and the external environment.


Pressure Control:

Cryogenic fluids can exert high pressures, and the tanks are designed to withstand these pressures safely. Pressure relief devices, such as pressure relief valves, are incorporated into the tank design to prevent overpressurization and ensure the safety of the storage system.


Cryogenic Storage Tank for Lox/Lin/Lar/Lco2 with ASME/GB Stangard

Cryogenic Storage Tank for Lox/Lin/Lar/Lco2 with ASME/GB Stangard

Storage and Transport:

Cryogenic storage tanks are used for both stationary storage and transport of cryogenic liquids. Stationary tanks are commonly found at manufacturing facilities, research laboratories, and medical institutions, while transportable tanks are mounted on trucks or trailers for distribution to various locations.



Cryogenic storage tanks play a crucial role in a wide range of industries. They are used in the medical field for storing and transporting liquid oxygen and nitrogen for medical gases. In the industrial sector, these tanks are employed in the production and distribution of liquefied natural gas (LNG), liquid hydrogen, and other cryogenic fluids. Additionally, they are used in aerospace applications for the storage of rocket propellants.


Safety Measures:

Safety is paramount when dealing with cryogenic storage tanks. Proper training and safety protocols are essential for personnel working with these tanks. Additionally, tanks are equipped with safety features such as emergency venting systems, pressure relief devices, and monitoring systems to detect leaks or abnormal conditions.

Cryogenic Storage Tank

Cryogenic Storage Tank

Regulations and Standards:

The design, construction, and operation of cryogenic storage tanks are subject to various international standards and regulations to ensure the highest level of safety. Organizations like the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) provide guidelines for the fabrication and testing of these tanks.


In conclusion, cryogenic storage tanks are sophisticated engineering solutions that enable the safe storage and transport of extremely cold liquids essential for various industrial, medical, and scientific applications. Their design incorporates advanced materials, insulation, and safety features to ensure the integrity of the storage system and the protection of both personnel and the environment.


Runfeng is an emerging enterprise specializing in the design, manufacture, R&D, and technical services of both cryogenic and low-temperature pressure vessels.


Contact our team today if you have any questions at all. We are always really keen to help in any way that we can.