Gonorrhea Test

26 Oct.,2023


What is a gonorrhea test?

A gonorrhea test can tell you if you have gonorrhea, a common sexually transmitted infection (STI). People with gonorrhea may not develop recognizable symptoms. Testing is an important way to screen for and diagnose the condition so you don’t spread it to your partners without knowing it.

Healthcare providers can cure gonorrhea with antibiotics. But without treatment, gonorrhea can cause serious health issues like pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), testicular pain, infertility and blood infections. Taking a gonorrhea test is the only way to know if you have this bacterial infection.


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Who should take a gonorrhea test?

You should get tested if you think you might have gonorrhea or if you develop any of the following symptoms:

Routine gonorrhea screenings

Some people have a higher risk of getting gonorrhea. Ask a healthcare provider about regular screenings if you:

  • Are pregnant. (Pregnant people with gonorrhea can pass the infection to their baby during childbirth.)
  • Have a new sex partner.
  • Have multiple sex partners.
  • Have a sex partner who recently received treatment for an STI.
  • Have HIV.

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