How to Soften (Condition) Hemp Rope – The Hemp Blog

12 Jul.,2023


Got Everything? Then Let’s Begin…

Step 1: Boiling.

Add water to your pot and bring it to the boil. Next, add your rope and boil for just a few minutes, less than 5 to be safe. Make sure that the rope is fully submerged in the boiling water, and keep a close eye on it. After a few minutes, remove the rope from the pot.

Boiling hemp rope forces the fibres to separate and expand, this makes for a softer and more pliable rope. Don’t be tempted to boil for longer than a few minutes, as this can lead to the fibres separating too much, and you risk losing the integrity and strength of your rope.

Remember that you may need to experiment with different boiling times to get the exact feel that you’re looking for.

For more information Twisted Jute Rope, please get in touch with us!