Braided Rug

12 Jul.,2023


Decorating with braided rugs is easy when you keep a few design factors in mind.

Color palette: Colorful braided rugs add depth and warmth to an otherwise neutral room. Multicolor braided rugs lean toward traditional and farmhouse styles. Natural jute, gray, black, and tan braided rope rugs provide the texture that’s so important in a monochrome or neutral design.

Decor items: Contrast braided area rugs with hard, smooth-surfaced decor pieces in stone, wood, and marble. Braided throw rugs can be just the ticket for spaces that need a little style boost.

Room or setting: Welcome guests with a soft, braided doormat in your entryway. In the heart of the home, braided kitchen rugs in neutral tones help create a clean, airy space. Large braided rugs in vibrant shades of red, blue, and purple make bold statements. Rope rugs look particularly cozy in a bedroom when paired with wool blankets, rustic wood furniture, and earthy wall art.

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