6 Common Applications for Touchscreen Technology

05 Jul.,2023


Touchscreens have become increasingly common over the years. In 2012, statistics show that 1.3 billion touchscreens were manufactured and shipped globally. In 2016, this number more than doubled to 2.8 billion. What are some of the common applications for touchscreen technology exactly?

#1) Smartphones

Whether it runs Android or iOS, nearly all smartphones have a touchscreen interface. Touchscreens have become synonymous with smartphones. Some of the world’s earliest smartphones used a QWERTY keypad. In the early 2000s, though, manufacturers began using touchscreen displays in their smartphones.

#2) Tablets

In addition to smartphones, nearly all tablet computers feature a touchscreen interface. Tablet computers, as you may know, run the same mobile operating systems (OSs) as smartphones. The main difference between the two is that smartphones are smaller and support calls, whereas tablets are larger and may or may not support calls. Nonetheless, they both feature a touchscreen interface.

#3) HMIs

Another common application for touchscreen technology is human machine interfaces (HMIs). HMIs are industrial control systems used in manufacturing facilities and other commercial workspaces. While some of them are basic and consist of nothing more than levers and knobs, others are more complex. Some complex HMIs use a touchscreen interface to provide a method of control.

#4) POS Systems

Retail stores, as well as other businesses, often use touchscreen-based point-of-sale (POS) systems. POS systems allow businesses to accept and process payments from their customers. Traditional cash registers are rarely used by modern businesses. Instead, businesses today use touchscreen-based POS systems.

#5) Infotainment Systems

You’ll often find infotainment systems with a touchscreen interface. An infotainment system is a type of electronic system in automobiles that provides information and entertainment. Most infotainment systems feature a touchscreen interface that the driver or a passenger can use to control it. Some of them feature physical buttons as well, but nearly all modern infotainment systems have a touchscreen interface.

#6) Smart Appliances

Smart appliances often have a touchscreen interface. Smart appliances consist of washing machines, clothes dryers, ovens and other major household appliances that offer some form of wireless connectivity and/or automation. They are designed to optimize energy usage so that the respective appliance consumes less energy during operation. When shopping for a smart appliance, you may discover that many of them feature a touchscreen interface. The presence of a touchscreen interface offers an easy and convenient method of control.

These are just a few of the most common applications for touchscreen technology.

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