Rash Guards/swim shirt

25 Jan.,2024


Hey Sylvia, I've been surfing all over for 35 years, and have a closet full of every imaginable rash guard and wetsuit. You have lots of options! You didn't mention a water temp, that would help a lot. Not all rash guards are created equal. You can get them much thicker than regular rash guards, almost like thin fleece, and they work really well. I like them as a base layer. Next layer on, you could get a one or two millimeter thick vest with lycra neck and sleeves to go on top; zero motion restriction but keeps the body core toasty. You can get them with or without legs, arms, and neoprene thickness from 1 to7 or 8 mils. Surfing and swimming wetsuits tend to use 1, 2, and 3 mil combos. Thicker than that you need to make sure it's not a diving or water skiing suit, they aren't good for motion. There are infinite variations with this type of stuff, try layering it until you find what you like. I'm assuming you're wearing a cap? My personal very general rule of thumb is 70s (water temp) = skin (no insulation), 60s = spring suits (short sleeves and legs), 50s = full suits (full arms and legs).

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