How Many Extra Pairs Of Sheets Do You Really Need Per Bed?

25 Oct.,2023


How Many Extra Pairs Of Sheets Do You Really Need Per Bed?

Spring cleaning season is the ideal time to declutter your home, but tackling each room might feel daunting. It's not unusual for people's dwellings to hold hundreds or thousands of items, many of which seem necessary or useful to have. If you feel stuck when it comes to organizing your space, there is at least one area that has a magic number to help you remove excess.

Your linen closet might be home to numerous pillowcases, duvet covers, blankets, and most importantly: bed sheets. After all — backup linens are a must regardless of if you are in a single or multiple-person home.

However, you don't actually need as many sheets as you think, and anything over three full sets can go. Studies across numerous bedding companies and designers have shown that as long as each individual bed can claim three sets of sheets, they are more than prepared for laundry days, guests, and anything else that might require a linen swap.