Coffees with Eco-Friendly Packaging - The Counter

20 Apr.,2023


In honor of Earth Day, we’re shining a light on eco-friendly packaging that you can feel just as good about as the coffee inside.

Kraft Packaging

Kraft packaging is just like regular paper and can be recycled as such!

  • If your kraft coffee box or bag has any stickers, remove them by peeling them off.
  • If your bag is made of kraft paper and it has a valve or a metal tie that seals it shut, be sure to remove them before you recycle.
  • Generally, the plastic valve and the metal tie need to be thrown away, as they have many non-recyclable components within them.

Biotrē™ Bags

A Biotrē bag is 60 percent biodegradable and is made from wood pulp. That portion of the bag is fully compostable, while the remaining 40 percent is a polyethylene liner with an additive that helps the liner break down fully over five to 10 years. While that may seem like a long time, it is much faster than conventional fossil fuel-based liners.

  • Much like kraft bags, you have to remove the degassing valve, the plastic ziplock liner, or the metal tie before you add your Biotrē bag to the compost, as those elements are not biodegradable.

If you have any questions on Reusable Kraft Resealable Bags, Biodegradable Packaging Bags. We will give the professional answers to your questions.