Non-Linear Load

13 Oct.,2023


augie47 said:

Student in class asked a question concerning non-linear loads and my answer leaned toward "yes" but that may not be correct.
Assume a 3 phase MWBC.
Phase A feeds load consisting entirely of non-linear lighting loads.
Phase B&C, however, feed linear loads.
Would the neutral be considered a CCC for derating purposes ??

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Out of ignorance, I would be conservative when in doubt. If this were a practical in-the-field example, I would count the neutral as a CCC in this example for derating purposes.

Ok to do that for practical examples in the field, but gotta be careful when taking an exam.

And unfortunately, I see this rule as kind of vague. If I measure every detail of the loads with an oscilliscope, what measurable characteristic should I look for to know whether or not "a major portion of the load is nonlinear"?

Out of ignorance, I would be conservative when in doubt. If this were a practical in-the-field example, I would count the neutral as a CCC in this example for derating purposes.Ok to do that for practical examples in the field, but gotta be careful when taking an exam.And unfortunately, I see this rule as kind of vague. If I measure every detail of the loads with an oscilliscope, what measurable characteristic should I look for to know whether or not "a major portion of the load is nonlinear"?

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