Types of Hardboard

15 Feb.,2023


Do you need standard hardboard, plain hardboard solution? Choose us as your partner and we will provide you with a solution that will satisfy you.

High-density fiberboard is the premium version of hardboard used by builders, cabinetmakers and furniture makers. Builders use 1-inch, high-density fiberboard for stair treads, among other things. It is extremely strong, dense and will not squeak, no matter how many people walk on it or how much weight is placed on it. You can add bullnose edges to high-density fiberboard stair treads with a rotary tool and a router table attachment or a handheld multipurpose tool with a routing bit, and then sand and finish the treads. High-density fiberboard will retain any shape that is cut or routed into it.

If you have any questions on standard hardboard, plain hardboard. We will give the professional answers to your questions.

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