Blockboard VS Plywood - Which is better for your Furniture and Budget?

13 Apr.,2023


3) Blockboard VS Plywood - Properties

Plywood is less susceptible to damage by water, and is resistant to cracking. It is uniform throughout its length and breadth, and can be easily lacquered, painted, veneered and laminated. However, long pieces of plywood tend to bend at the centre. Plywood will also splinter badly when cut.

Blockboard is more prone to water damage as it is known to retain moisture. It is stiffer than plywood and less prone to bending. It is dimensionally stable, and can withstand cracking. Unlike plywood it does not split on cutting, and is easy to work with. It is available in various finishes such as plastic laminates, wood veneers, etc. It can also be painted and polished. It is lighter than plywood as its core is made of softwood.

4) Blockboard VS Plywood - Maintenance and Life

Both plywood and blockboard are durable and can be cleaned easily. It is ideal not to expose either of them much to water unless using Marine Grade Plywood.

Both have a low maintenance cost.

For more information fancy plywood, please get in touch with us!